{ southern utah bride magazine }

we are so excited to see the new issue of southern utah bride magazine.  we just love being featured in this local publication and this issue we are on the cover!  you can get your own copy of southern utah bride from our store, forevermore events, or several other local vendors.  if you just can't wait the online edition is available on southernutahbridemag.com

here's a preview:

photo credit | gideon photography

photo credit | gideon photography

photo credit | gideon photography

photo credit | m. felt photography

photo credit | m. felt photography
photo credit | gideon photography

photo credit | gideon photography

photo credit | gideon photography

photo credit | trish strobehn photography

photo credit | trish strobehn photography

photo credit | trish strobehn photography
photo credit | gideon photography

photo credit | gideon photography

photo credit | tyler rye photography

photo credit | tyler rye photography

photo credit | tyler rye photography